
Controlling UTIs: participants needed for trial into effectiveness of herbal supplement

Southern Cross University researchers will test the effectiveness of a readily available herbal supplement in providing relief for people with recurring urinary tract infections (UTIs).

The national clinical trial is being launched heading into the summer months, a time of year that can see a threefold increase in reported cases of UTIs.

UTIs are more common in women, are painful and inconvenient, and are potentially serious if they spread to the kidneys.

More than 200 participants nationally, female and male, are being sought to take part in an online trial – with half receiving the herbal product Urox, and half receiving a placebo. Urox contains three different herbs and is currently available at Australian pharmacies to promote bladder and urinary health.

Primary investigator Dr Janet Schloss said the trial would test the effectiveness of the product in providing relief for people who regularly contend with the discomfort and possible complications which arise from UTIs.

"We're thrilled to launch this exciting clinical trial just in time for the summer season," Dr Schloss said.

"Our aim is to test this product that might allow individuals to enjoy summer activities without the worry of UTIs, or the need to take antibiotics. We believe that this could be a game-changer for adults with recurrent UTIs."

In the trial, participants will be asked to incorporate the supplement or the placebo into their daily routine for six months.

Regular feedback will be collected to assess the product's effectiveness, safety, ease of use, and overall satisfaction. The online nature of the trial will ensure it is convenient to take part and report back.

Interested individuals can find more information about participating in this clinical trial at bit.ly/URELIEF

Key study details

  • Researchers are seeking 202 healthy participants over the age of 18 with recurring urinary tract infections in Australia
  • Participants have a 50:50 chance of receiving the herbal supplement or a placebo for 6 months
  • Participants will be asked to complete surveys monthly, and whenever a UTI occurs
  • This research is led by Dr Janet Schloss of the National Centre for Naturopathic Medicine at Southern Cross University
  • For more information, contact: URELIEF@scu.edu.au

This research has been approved by the Southern Cross University Human Research Ethics Committee, SCU/HREC no. 2023/151.

The study is funded by the Seipel Group and the Jacka Foundation for Natural Therapies, but neither have influence on the trial, which is conducted independently by researchers at Southern Cross University.

National Centre for Naturopathic Medicine

The National Centre for Naturopathic Medicine at Southern Cross University is an internationally recognised centre of excellence and innovation in naturopathic medicine and health education, research and practice. NCNM creates, promotes and advocates a strong culture of incorporating evidence-based science into healthcare education and clinical practice.